IMO E Ref. T1/2.04 MSC.1/Circ.1228 11 January 2007 REVISED GUIDANCE TO THE MASTER FOR AVOIDING DANGEROUS SITUATIONS IN ADVERSE WEATHER AND SEA CONDITIONS 1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its eighty-second session (29 November to 8 December 2006), approved the Revised Guidance to the master for avoiding dangerous
issued 31 May 2012, amended by IMO Circular MSC.1/Circ.1516, issued 08 June 2015 (e) IMO Circular MSC.1/Circ.1318, Guidelines for the Maintenance and Inspections of Fixed Carbon Dioxide Fire-Extinguishing Systems, issued 11 June 2009 (f) IMO Circular MSC.1/Circ.1315, Guidelines for the Approval of Fixed
Overpack (extra 1318 KOBOLTRESINAT, UTFÄLLD. 4.1. F3. III. 4.1. LQ9. 1.8.1-. 1.8.2. Kontroller av transporter av farligt gods och myndigheternas sjöfartsorganisationen (IMO) i dokument MSC/Circ.860.
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The shipping community may also be able to access the Merchant Shipping The IMO has also published Guidance in Assembly Resolution A.951(23) (2003) on portable extinguishers and in MSC.1/Circ 1318 on fixed Carbon Dioxide systems. In order to provide a single and effective source for owners, managers and seafarers the essential guidance from both of these is incorporated in this Circular. Refer to the comprehensive instructions provided in the Guidelines for the maintenance and inspections of fixed carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing systems (MSC.1/Circ.1318) for fixed carbon dioxide systems, and in the Improved Guidelines for marine portable fire extinguishers (resolution A.951(23)) for portable fire extinguishers. MSC.1/Circ. 1186: 01/06/06: Guidelines on the training of SAR service personnel working in major incidents: MSC.1/Circ. 1208: 22/05/06: Promoting and verifying continued familiarization of GMDSS operators on board ships: MSC.1/Circ. 1210/Rev.1: 21/11/14: Cospas-Sarsat International 406 Mhz Beacon Registration Database: MSC.1/Circ.
This proposal The Commission however considers that the requirement in 3.4 IMO MSC.l/Circ 1315: "Only. 29 Aug 2008 I:\CIRC\MSC\01\1270-Corr-1.doc. INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION.
Artikel 1. Bilaga A till direktiv 96/98/EG ska ersättas med texten i bilagan till detta direktiv. Kolumn 4: IMO MSC/Cirkulär 980 ska tillämpas, utom när det ersätts av de särskilda instrument som avses i kolumn 4. IMO MSC.1/Circ.1318.
INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION. 4 ALBERT EMBANKMENT. LONDON SE1 7SR. Telephone: technical provisions for means of access for inspections.
IMO tanktyp 4 avser ett tankfordon för väg för transport av farligt gods i klass 3 till och med 9 och innefattar en på- which supersedes MSC.1/Circ.1265.
oppå dnder lagmans af -Järmaland för Ex Antiq.msc. 256. 1. K. May:s Circular med anledning af franska conventionen. d. 1318.
d. 1318. Nordin. 1319. 512. Nordin.
Murare lön stockholm
Result : IMO E Ref. T4/3.01 MSC/Circ.1108 25 May 2004 GUIDELINES FOR ASSESSING THE LONGITUDINAL STRENGTH OF BULK CARRIERS DURING LOADING, UNLOADING AND BALLAST WATER EXCHANGE 1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its seventy-sixth session (2 to 13 December 2002), (msc.1/circ.1432) 1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its ninety-fifth session (3 to 12 June 2015), approved amendments to the Revised guidelines for the maintenance and inspection of fire IMO E Ref. T1/2.01 MSC/Circ.1117 24 June 2004 GUIDANCE FOR CHECKING THE STRUCTURE OF BULK CARRIERS 1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its seventy-eighth session (12 to 21 May 2004), following its decision that port States and the vari ous port State control regimes worldwide should be IMO E Ref. T4/3.01 MSC.1/Circ.1331 11 June 2009 GUIDELINES FOR CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION/SURVEY OF MEANS OF EMBARKATION AND DISEMBARKATION 1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its eighty-sixth session (27 May to 5 June 2009), with a view to providing specific guidance on the construction, installation, maintenance and IMO E Ref. T1/2.04 MSC.1/Circ.1228 11 January 2007 REVISED GUIDANCE TO THE MASTER FOR AVOIDING DANGEROUS SITUATIONS IN ADVERSE WEATHER AND SEA CONDITIONS 1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its eighty-second session (29 November to 8 December 2006), approved the Revised Guidance to the master for avoiding dangerous 3. The IMO guidelines are given in the following: a. Resolution A.951(23) on Improved Guidelines for Marine Portable Fire Extinguishers The Guidelines has been developed to supplement relevant requirements for marine portable extinguishers.
Циркуляр. MSC.1/Circ.1318. IMO MSC.1/Circ.1318.
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Fax: 020 7587 3210. IMO. E. Ref: T4/4.01. MSC.1/Circ.1318. 11 June 2009. GUIDELINES FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTIONS OF. FIXED CARBON
Please refer to the MSC.1/Circ.1318 on Guidelines for the Maintenance and Inspections of Fixed Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing Systems (see Annex 1 ) and to the Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention) Regulation (see Annex 2 ) for your guidance and compliance. 6.