Stena Industry Innovation Laboratory på Chalmers campus Lindholmen – ett 1000 kvadratmeter stort testlabb för digitalisering och framtidens 


Åsa Fast-Berglund, docent och projektledare för Stena Industry Innovation Lab. tis, maj 08, 2018 15:51 CET. Fotograf: Johan Bodell/Chalmers. "Jobben inom 

SII-Lab is an open environment where collaboration and innovation are high on the list. SII-Lab offer different kinds of demonstrators, collaborations within research and education. We provide tours, workshops and practical exercises in Industry 4.0. You can also host both full- and half-day conferences in SII-Lab’s adjoining conference room called Flexibla Lab. SII-Lab is conveniently located in the middle of the Lindholmen Science Park area where a large selection of hotels and STENA INDUSTRY INNOVATION LAB. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. SII-Lab offers workshops in five specific areas; Digital maturity. Human-Robot collaboration (collaborative robot applications) Intern logistics.

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Here at the innovation lab, we are always looking for new ideas, concepts, and ways to disrupt and revolutionize multiple industries. We combine Design  Åsa Fast-Berglund, docent och projektledare för Stena Industry Innovation Lab. tis, maj 08, 2018 15:51 CET. Fotograf: Johan Bodell/Chalmers. "Jobben inom  9 May 2018 An old library at Chalmers University of Technology has been transformed into the Stena Industry Innovation Laboratory. Inside there is much of  Carnegie Mellon University Africa (CMU-Africa) Industry Innovation Lab (IIL) aims to help CMU-Africa students, graduates and other entrepreneurs in the  Research, innovation, education and demonstration of smart industrial production. Copyright © 2021.

Originalupplösning. Om oss. Sten A Olssons Stiftelse för Forskning och Kultur grundades år 1996 i samband med skeppsredare Sten A Olssons 80-årsdag.

Stena Industry Innovation Lab WHAT: Stena Industry Innovation Lab at Chalmers (SII-Lab) is a test and demonstration facility for next generation smart production systems. It offers fast communication systems with 5G, open robot environment and augmented reality tools for assembly work. Here, the engineers of the future will be trained and the lab also offers opportunities for industry to

About 80% to 90% of the technology is commercially available. “It’s not just prototypes,” Kaplanoglu says.

Stena industry innovation lab

Fokus ligger på industriell utveckling av produkter och produktion med hjälp av digitalisering, även kallad Smart Industry. SII-Lab skall vara en öppen och tillgänglig mötesplats för bland andra entreprenörer, produkt- och produktionsutvecklare.

Stena Recycling Lab is our arena for innovation and collaboration. Here we offer entrepreneurs, partners, researchers and students the opportunity to develop future recycling technology and products together with us. Are you interested in developing your idea together with us? Please send us … The Stena Industry Innovation Lab, or SII-Lab for short, offers top opportunities for the Swedish industry to test digitalized production of the future.

Stena industry innovation lab

SII-Lab skall vara en öppen och tillgänglig mötesplats för bland andra entreprenörer, produkt- och produktionsutvecklare. Stena Industry Innovation Laboratory Welcome to a new national environment for research, innovation, education and demonstration of smart industrial production.
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Stena industry innovation lab

Äntligen har Sverige fått ett innovationslabb av världsklass placerat på Chalmers Campus Lindholmen.

Ladda ner högupplöst bild. I SII-Lab kan If you have recognized a need that does not currently have a solution, or a business idea you would like to develop with us, get in touch. We are always looking for external partners to develop what we can offer.
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SIILab är en testbädd med forskning, undervisning demonstrationer och innovation inom digitalisering och industi 4.0

• TSS. • Stena Industry Innovation Laboratory. SUPPORT- & SAMARBETS-.